Motorcycle Cushion Fits Ducati
I am a dead set fan of these cushions. I have travelled tens
of thousands of kilometres with an Airhawk on the Harley and
the BMW and wouldn’t head off without it. I also have the
car/truck seat version on both seats in the Van and the utility
Airhawk cushion on my office chair. Like I said I am a BIG fan
of this Airhawk stuff. Once tried you won’t go without it. I
The Ducati was another kettle of fish as the seat was much
smaller. I spoke to Tom Thornley the Airhawk Guy and he told me
he had sold plenty to sports bike riders who used the small
pillion model which I already had for my wife.
There were a few issues at first with the Monster, and once
I overcame these it worked a treat.
Here’s how it looks on the bike. Shame about getting old and
spoiling the smooth visuals but you can’t see it once my lard
arse is on the bike anyway.

As you can see it fits quite nicely and
covers most of the available seat.

It fits on snugly with the supplied straps
which have what I would call bra clips to adjust them. It goes
on and off quickly if you want it to yet remains attached quite
snugly. This means it doesn’t blow off if you lift your butt
off the seat to stretch your legs.
In this Audio Review I talk about:
The correct inlation pressure.
Why the Airhawk works.
The issues I had with the Ducati Moster and how
I fixed them.
Where to get one of your own.
Airhawk Motorcycle Cushion
The difference it made.
Click the button below to start the
Audio Review
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