This Folding Motorcycle
Trailer Looks The Goods. If your looking for a bike trailer
than you must read this!
For years I have received the H.O.G. magazines from the
states and almost as long as I can remember there has been an
ad on the back page for a folding motorcycle trailer. I
reckoned it looked a great idea, a trailer you could carry one
or two bikes on and then fold it up and stand it against the
wall in your shed taking almost bugger all room, fantastic. But
that’s in America, not here in Australia. Until now.
While reading a recent issue of Just Bikes an ad jumped off
the page and grabbed me. There’s a company in Australia called
Easy Trailer and it looks like they have nailed the folding
trailer concept here in OZ. Now I haven’t seen one in the flesh
yet and if you have I would love to talk to you and post the
review here. But after scanning their website the concept looks
a pearler.

You can get the trailer in
4×3.5 or as a 6×4 and even a 8×4 then if your really keen
they even do a folding boat trailer version. It seems you
can configure the trailer exactly how you want it and can
have multiple uses with easy bolt on sides, floors and
Apparently this trailer brand has been going for 25 years
worldwide so the bugs should be sorted by now. They even give
12 months warranty!
Now, I probably sound a bit excited about something I
haven’t even seen but I’ve drooled over these things for years
in the USA mags because of their practicality. You can have it
leaning against the wall of your shed and within minutes rig it
up to cart the rubbish, pick up a mates bike, cart some
furniture and then fold it back up and store it away. Now if
you own a conventional trailer you will now what a pain the
backside storing it can be. I’ve got a lovely 8×4 rusting in
the yard next to my shed because I don’t have room to store it
undercover. Sure I could build a lean to or verandah but
realistically that will cost more than the trailer?
I am keen to do a full review by interview on this product
so if you know someone who has one email me
and we’ll talk by phone, record it and
post it up on the website.
As for more information, their website is