Touratech Handlebar Bag
Have you ever come back from a trip away with the mates and
as your parking the bike and reliving all the fun bits you
realize you either didn’t take a photo or should have taken
I have and have tried several solutions. The pockets on my
motorcycle jacket are already full of earplugs, wallet, hanky,
keys, cable ties and all manner of other stuff accumulated over
time. So I didn’t really need to try and jam a camera in
I’ve carried my SLR Pentax in the topbox, which takes up a
crapload of room, and anyway I found it was just too much drama
to get it out and use it, when I simply wanted a quick memory
shot. So, I had this idea! What if I bought a small digital
camera and kept it somewhere really convenient and easy to get
to, like right in front of me every time I pull up.
I searched for a solution and the touratech handlebar bag
came up. It works fantastic and I keep the camera, small
tripod, earlugs, rag, cable ties, and other stuff from time to
time. It works, I get the camera out more often and take a ton
more shots of the ride now. Same fun but more memories, and
EVERYONE wants a copy of the photos.
Even though this particular podcast is about the handlebar
bag for the BMW R1200Gs, the concept is universal. If you can
find a bag to fit on the bars of your bike I thoroughly
recommend it as a place to keep all manner of goodies handy,
even something to snack on.
In this podcast Andy talks about how it fits, some short
comings in the Touratech version and how to make it work
If you have a Touratech catalogue the bag is on page 285.
Their price is AUD $42.44 from my pricelist.
Also here are links to a Wunderlich
Catalogue their bag is on page 45, Andy
talks about this bag too in the podcast. I don’t know the
Aussie price of this unit. Can anyone help?
This bag is from Touratech and fits pretty
well. I am not totally happy with the fit as
I explain in the Audio Review.

As a storage unit it is fantastic. I keep my
camera, tripod, earplugs, flashlight and all sorts of stuff
from time to time. It’s really handy having the camera right
there and I take many more shots because of the

I put this tape around the bars to stop the
rivet in the plastic bracket from scratching it. Could’ve
colour coded it I suppose? Or may not been a wimp and let it

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