Tie Down Your Motorcycle
Simply and Easily
Without Straining Your Front Forks or Handlebars! Tyre Down
is THE Answer!
I love how my Duacati Monster fits in my VW Van so easily.
But tying it down was a bit of a pain. I hated compressing the
front forks for any length of time and wondered about the
strain I might be placing on the handlebars.
It is at least three hours from Port Augusta to
Adelaide and vice versa and what if I packed the night before
for an early start (often done). How much constant compression
would the front forks take without affecting them long
No don’t get all biker bitch on me and tell me to ride! I
would rather do that but these trips are for a week or so and
require laptops, briefcases and lotsa clothes, so it’s the van
or not at all for the bike. The Adelaide Hills are too sweet to
miss when I visit Adelaide, even on business. And besides
the R1200GS is the tourer, this is the hotrod, my back tells me
An option I saw at the Grand Prix at Phillip Island last
year looked promising. It was the Tyre Down system which held
the bike down via the BACK wheel! I wanted something simple,
quick and easy to tie a bike down with, and of course it had to
work! This looked like the goods so I had a lengthy chat to Rob
Purcell, one of the company owners.
Once the Ducati arrived the novelty of tying down by the
handlebars soon wore off. It was cramped, I didn’t like the
idea of bumping the tank as I worked with straps and metal
ends. I used the soft handlebar straps which worked OK but
still put pressure on the bars and compressed the forks into
the Ventura front wheel rack I had fitted.
So I got a Tyre Down device! And review it here.
In this podcast I talk about:
How it fits compared to the website instructions.
Considerations for the Ducati Monster model.
Quality of build.
Ease of use.
Comparison of rear tie down to front tie down.
Would I recommend it?
Here’s some photos showing how it all works for me in the
van. Of course it would be easier again if you used a

Here’s a shot of the empty Van. Notice the
Ventura front wheel rack mounted at the front? This helps
stabilise the bike really well. I definetely recommend this for
the front end. Notice the chains? I talk about those in the

This is another shot showing the front wheel
in the Ventura Rack. Yes, it looks messy but does the job
without bolts.

Here’s the Tyre Down left side.

And, here’s the Tyre Down right side. The
only contact is a slight touch with the lower pipe on this
side. Which I padded for protection. Doesn’t seem to rub, at
this stage.

This is how it looks once fitted. I did
actually re do it after the photo and straighten the device on
the wheel. I know it looks off centre. And it was! I was simply
too lazy to take another photo!
Tyre Down Contact: Rob 0397292432
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