This Ventura Estoril Seat
Bag Looks and Works A Treat!
The seat bag might have a funny name, I mean what’s an
“Estoril”, but it works a treat. After picking up the new
Monster S4R it didn’t take long to work out there was no room
for anything, sunnies, sunscreen, earplugs, whatever.
( You could fit this to almost any
I asked the Ducati guys about options and nada, zilch,
no options on this issue. So I did some research and found
a bikeshop in Adelaide (Bills Motorcycles) who had what I
wanted to look at. How rare is that!
Upon inspection I reckoned it would do just fine, gave it a
dry run in the car park and handed over the money. It was only
about $110 so pretty good value I thought.
This thing went on like a factory accessory and in fact I
went across the road to the Ducati guys and showed them. They
were so impressed they ordered some to stock.
In this Audio Review I talk about:
Ease of Fitment:
Does it Work:
Here’s a few piccy’s

You can see it looks like a bought on and you can clip it
off and on. Anyway I’ll tell you all about it in the
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